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The purpose of the Farmington Area Education Foundation is to enhance and serve our community by supporting and enriching education and learning opportunities for students in grades K-12 in District 192, Farmington, MN.


Beyond our purpose we strive to:


  • Bridge the gap between government aid and increased need for innovative programs

  • Generate financial support for programs, equipment and projects that promote and enhance excellence in our schools 

  • Promote a spirit of community involvement, enthusiasm and support for the schools

  • Encourage parents, grandparents, faculty and alumni to volunteer and participate.


The Foundation will allow more imaginative and creative ways for students to learn.  FAEF will supplement and enhance our current and future educational process in ISD 192.


The Foundation does not replace usual and customary public funding of ISD 192. The Foundation fund through a broad base of community support. The Foundation will answer concerns of many donors who wish to support their hometown. It generates financial support for programs, equipment and projects that promote and enhance excellence in our schools. The Foundation promotes a spirit of community involvement, enthusiasm and support for the school. Through your generous donations the Foundation has been able to provide grants for many meaningful and lasting programs and equipment enhancements.


On behalf of the students and staff of District 192 we thank you for your donation.



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