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Purpose: The purpose of the Robert Watson Scholarship is to recognize and promote the values of leadership and teamwork while helping to finance the education of a graduate of Farmington High School at an accredited post-secondary institution.



  1. Demonstrated Leadership - The recipient demonstrates a wide range of effective leadership qualities.  The individual student leads with vision, courage, and adaptability.                                                                                                         

  2. Leading a High Performance Team. This can be a “formal” or “informal” team that succeeds largely due to the quality of leadership provided by the recipient.                                                                                                    

  3. Accomplishing an Outstanding Result. This will be measured by self-reporting in the application.



The scholarship winner will be determined by the Farmington Area Education Foundation using the application form as the basis of information.


Past Winners


2004  -  Justin Thom

2005  -  Jon Athmann

2006  -  Curtis Baker

2007  -  Heidi Donnelly

2008  -  Sabrina Siple

2009  -  Laura Dahl

2010  -  Trevor Ausen

2011  -  Brian Huls

2012  -  Tia Jacoby

2013  -  Christian Bell

2014  -  Mollie Meyers

2015  -  Sydney Bockelman

2016  -  Krya Lucke

2017 -   Kourtney Pederson

2018 -   Erin Hoy



  1. Eligible students must be graduating seniors from Farmington High School and must be planning to enroll in an accredited post-secondary institution during the next succeeding academic year.                                                                                                                                

  2. The student also must have been successful in academics, earning a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.                                                                                                



  1. Breadth of participation in extra-curricular and community activities is a plus. Students who have succeeded in multiple ways will be given preference.                                                                                                               

  2. Overcoming adversity of any kind (family background, disabilities, etc) while achieving success will be considered.

To Apply


We are taking applications at this time for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please, fill out the Google Form to apply.  All applications are due on April 12, 2019 by 3:30 pm.


Winner will be announced at the Senior Awards Banquet at the FHS Recital Hall on May 29 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Erin Hoy

Erin Hoy

2018 Robert Watson Scholarship Recipient

Krya Lucke

Krya Lucke

2016 Robert Watson Scholarship Recipient

Sydney Bockelman

Sydney Bockelman

2015 Robert Watson Scholarship Recipient



     Bob Watson loved Farmington and talked about it his entire life. He was a 1934 graduate of Farmington High School: an athlete (held state record for 1/4 mile), the first Eagle Scout (1932) in Troop 118, and an entrepreneur: growing and selling vegetables to the local grocery store. He graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1939, served in World War 11, and in the late 1940s began working for Pillsbury, where he became Vice President of Human Resources. In 1972 he then founded his own executive search firm and worked into his mid-80’s. He traveled to the ends of the earth; volunteered in Sri Lanka; and was planning his next trip when he died. The scholarship was important to him. The criteria reflect his beliefs, especially the importance of teamwork in sports and in everyday life. He loved meeting recipients and giving them life advice, even if not asked for. He had a big heart, strong beliefs with a genuine love for people and a desire to help them along.



      A single scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be awarded for tuition and fees to a student meeting the criteria stated in this scholarship agreement. The Farmington Area Education Foundation will use a competitive application process to select recipients based on the criteria listed on the Robert Watson Scholarship appliaction. The scholarship award will be presented during the senior awards program and a representative member of the Watson family will be notified of the selection and invited to present the scholarship at the annual awards program. The award recipient’s name will be noted on a display plaque at the high school. The recipient will also receive a plaque memorializing the award. Once the student provides verification of enrollment in an accredited post-secondary institution of his/her choice, the Foundation will release the scholarship funds to such post-secondary institution in the name of the student. Any portion of the scholarship not used for the intended purpose within one year of the scholarship award date must be returned to the Farmington Area Education Foundation.


© 2019 Farmington Area Education Foundation

Created by Gale Poore


Mail us: 

P O Box 296 Farmington,  MN 55024

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